The following outline details the content covered in Right Track Reading Lessons:
A Highly Effective Step-by-Step Direct Systematic Phonics Program 2nd Edition.
Table of Contents: The table of contents can be previewed at Preview Title Page and
Table of Contents.
Introduction/Background & Essential Information: The introduction portion of the
book provides the parent or teacher with essential background information to empower
them to lead their children or students to reading success. The introduction section
- Preface & Overview of Reading: (pages 5-9) This section provides an overview of
teaching children to read. It includes background on the English language, the biologic
process of proficient reading, an explanation of how individuals learn to read proficiently,
why reading is difficult for many children and the evidence of effective reading
programs developing proficient reader phonologic processing. This section helps you
understand how proficient reading works. Preview Preface and Overview of Reading
- Skills Necessary For Proficient Reading: (pages 10-15) This section describes the
skills and elements necessary for developing proficient reading. It explains the
fundamental skills necessary for proficient phonologic processing processing (phonemic
awareness, tracking, blending, knowledge of the written code and attention to detail),
the development of correct efficient phonologic processing and an overview of the
higher level skills (building fluency, handling multisyllable words, developing comprehension
and expanding vocabulary). Preview Skills Necessary for Proficient Reading
Explanation and Specific Instructions for Right Track Reading Lessons: (pages 23-47)
This section explains the overall structure and format of the reading lessons, describes
the materials needed, and provides detailed instructions for conducting the specific
activities and lessons to build necessary skills. This expanded section includes
details for the activities as well as effective techniques to correct common errors
and help the child build skills. This expanded section includes photos to illustrate
word building with the tiles. A detailed outline of the lesson content is also included.
Reading Lessons: (page 48-320) The reading program is arranged into carefully designed
lessons structured for individual instruction. The reading lessons are organized
into 10 sections starting with foundational skills and then systematically advancing
through higher level skills. The lessons use a variety of targeted multisensory activities
to directly teach all skills necessary for proficient reading. See structure and
design of Right Track Reading Lessons for additional detail. These well organized
and easy to use reading lessons give you the tools to teach your student necessary
reading skills and directly help them achieve success. A brief overview and description
of the various sections for the reading lessons include:
- Section 1- Basic Sounds & Foundational Skills: (Lessons 1-26) These initial lessons
directly teach the basic sounds and the critical subskills necessary for proficient
phonologic processing. This section emphasizes the essential skills of phonemic awareness,
directional tracking and proper blending. This section builds the basic foundation
so your child develops phonologic processing pathways, the key to proficient reading.
Your child learns to correctly read and spell simple phonetic words. (The words
are decodable and include all the consonants, the short vowel sounds, and common
digraphs including th, ch, sh, wh, ck). Common irregular words (including said, was,
to, do, of, what and who) are also directly taught to the child. The type of decodable
sentences that your child will be able to accurately read by the end of this section
include the sentences such as “The frog can swim fast and then jump up on the rock.”,
“Pick up the red pen that fell off the desk.”, and “This is a fun math class.” The
direct systematic instruction insures your child is literally on the right track
and developing the correct neural pathways for proficient reading. To view initial
lessons and how rapidly foundational skills are established, Preview Reading Lessons
1 & 2 and Preview Reading Lesson 16 and Preview Reading Lesson 17.
- Section 2 - Additional Sounds: - (Lessons 27-38) These lessons directly and systematically
teach some of the initial complexities including the /z/ sound for s (has, his, as
and plural /z/ sound dogs, kids.), the single vowel long vowel sounds (he, me, she,
go, no, old, most, wild, find, rang, bank), the modified vowel sounds such as the
a+ll /all/ sound and w+a modified sounds (wash, wasp, swap), the important complexities
of y /y/, /ee/ and /ie/, and several other sounds such as ing and ink. These lessons
include further practice with blended consonants and additional practice with previously
learned sounds. By the end of these lessons your child will be able to accurately
read a sentence such as “My pup can fetch. If you toss up a stick, she will bring
it back to you. She will also fetch a ball.” and “Did you find the red and black
lady bug on this plant?”. Spelling skills also develop and advance with the direct
instruction. Preview Reading Lesson 36
- Section 3 - Vowel Combinations (Lessons 39-69): This section directly and systematically
teaches the child 26 different vowel combinations (ee, oa, ai, ay, a_e, oy, ea, ow,
ou, and 17 other vowel combinations). These lessons teach the complexities of our
language in a direct systematic manner. The child learns and practices each vowel
combination. Reading and spelling skills advance rapidly as the child learns the
vowel combinations. Although the vocabulary is still controlled to include decodable
text that has been specifically taught, the child’s knowledge is quickly expanding.
An example of the type of sentences that your child should be able to accurately
read by the end of this section include “The book that I just read was great. You
should read it also. It was about a boy who went on a trip to Alaska with his grandpa.
You would like it!” and “I made a note in my book reminding me to study my math.
We will be taking a big test soon. I will be ready if I study.” To view a lesson
on teaching vowel combinations, Preview Lesson 42
- Section 4 - R-Controlled Vowel Combinations (Lessons 70-85): These lessons directly
and systematically teach the r-controlled vowel combinations (ar, or, er, ur, ir,
ear, are, air… and the other r-controlled vowel combinations). These lessons continue
to teach the child the complexities of the English language. After completing this
section, your child will be able to read most words. The following is an example
of the sentences/paragraph that your child will read at the end of these lessons:
“I learned all about the eastern bluebird. They live in open areas, farmland and
even in suburbs. The birds nest in tree holes. They also like bird houses. The male
bluebird is bright blue. The females are much paler.” To view a lesson on teaching
r-controlled vowel combinations, Preview Lesson 77
- Section 5 - Silent Letters, Infrequent Sounds and Practice Common Endings (Lessons
86-98): These lessons include direct instruction in a few additional complexities
(mb, dge, wr, kn, ph, and infrequent silent letter combinations). This section also
includes extra specific practice in the common endings -ing, -er, -est, plural endings,
and the -ed past tense verb endings. By the time you have completed these lessons
with your child, he/she should be able to read most words. An example of text that
your child reads at the end of this section is “Snowshoe hairs change their coat
color. In the fall, the brown summer coat slowly changes to white tipped hair. When
they are white it hard to see them in the snow. Often all you can see are the tracks”
You will have directly taught your child how to read our printed language. You can
now work on the more advanced skills of fluency, comprehension and vocabulary that
follow accurate decoding.
- Section 6 - Reading Multisyllable Words (Multisyllable Lessons 1-12): These lessons
teach your child how to handle the more complex multisyllable words. The majority
of English words are multisyllable so it is critical to be able to read them easily.
Many children struggle with the step from the ‘short’ ‘easy’ words to the ‘long’
‘hard’ words. This section teaches the child how to handle these more difficult words
by breaking the word down into syllables and provides guided practice breaking words
down and recognizing common patterns. These lessons include specific instruction
and practice in the most common prefixes and suffixes. Twenty prefixes account for
97% of the prefixed words so teaching and practicing these common affixes helps both
reading fluency and vocabulary. These lessons also include direct instruction in
some of the more complex endings such as -tion that were not directly taught in previous
lessons. This section greatly improves reading skill. Children completing these sections
should be able to accurately read middle school level material. (This section of
advanced lessons typically conducted children who are 2nd grade & older.) To see
portion of a multisyllable lesson Preview Reading Multisyllable Words Lesson 4
- Section 7: Instructions for Guided Reading: Guided reading has significant beneficial
impact on reading skills and is especially important in remediation. Daily guided
reading is an important part of this reading program. This section explains guided
reading and gives you specific instructions of how to conduct guided oral reading
with your student.
- Section 8: Building Fluency: This section explains what fluent reading is, how individuals
develop fluency and provides information so you can help your student develop fluency.
- Section 9: Developing Reading Comprehension Skills: This section provides an overview
of reading comprehension and lists specific actions you can use to help students
acquire reading comprehension skills and strategies. Directions and examples of techniques
and activities you can use to advance comprehension are provided.
- Section 10: Expanding Vocabulary Knowledge: This final section of the reading program
overview vocabulary development and provides specific actions you can use to help
your child or student expand their vocabulary knowledge. This section also includes
a list of common Greek and Latin root words.
Spelling Section- Spelling Lessons: (page 321-338) This portion of the program provides
a general overview of spelling and gives tips on how to teach your child to spell.
Spelling has been taught throughout the program as ‘word writing’ changing sounds
to print. Upon completing the reading lessons portion of the program your child should
be a good phonetic speller. This section goes beyond the phonetic understanding of
our language to specific spelling information. Helpful spelling guidelines and patterns
are listed. These are not ‘rules’ to be memorized but rather guidelines and explanations
that make spelling much easier. The spelling instruction is organized into 31 specific
spelling lessons. Preview Right Track Reading Spelling Lessons 1-8.
APPENDICIES: (page 339-359)
- Appendix A - Sound Pronunciation Table: This appendix provides a table of all the
phonograms and correct sound pronunciation(s). The table includes the phonogram (letter
or letters), the sound or sounds it represents, notes on the pronunciation with an
example of the sound within a word, and any notes of caution with pronunciation.
This appendix also includes tips for helping a child correctly pronounce specific
- Appendix B - Lesson Progress Chart: A simple chart to record your student’s progress
through the reading program. .
- Appendix C - Letter Formation Instructions: This appendix provides general instructions
on correct letter formation. It includes directions for writing d, b, p to avoid
letter confusion.
- Appendix D - Teaching/Learning Capital Letters: This appendix provides information
on teaching capital letters to a young child.
- Appendix E - Supplmental Activities Oral Sound Blending: This appendix provides supplemental
oral sound blending activities for those children who need additional practice to
master this essential skill.
- Appendix F - Supplemental Phonemic Awareness Activities: Supplemental phonemic awareness
activities are provided. This includes specific activities to help children distinguish
the similar short /e/ and /i/ sounds.
- Appendix G - Table summarizing spelling patterns for sounds: This useful resource
lists the spelling patterns/alternatives for each sound. Examples are given for each
spelling pattern. The spelling patterns are listed in order of frequency. This is
an excellent spelling reference resource!
Read the Key Features and Benefits of Right Track Reading Lessons to see why this
program is so effective in helping your child achieve reading success. Additional
information is found on the the Preview Right Track Reading Lessons page.
To learn about the highly effective reading remediation program designed to help
older students (3rd grade and up and adults) who struggle with reading acquire necessary
skills, overcome reading difficulty and achieve reading success see Preview Back
on the Right Track Reading Lessons
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